Train Smart, Row Strong: How I build power and stay injury-free

Train Smart, Row Strong: How I build power and stay injury-free

It's a given that if you're going to compete, you need to train hard. Less considered is that even if you only partake in recreational rowing, you should think about injury prevention. And when you throw in time restrictions or, as a master rower, factoring in quality rest time, then you need to work out how to train smart. Read the rest
For those starting or re-starting their fitness journey

For those starting or re-starting their fitness journey

If you’re new to exercise or returning after a long break, I can help you ease into a routine that makes regular exercise enjoyable and sustainable. Low-impact cardio and body weight exercises are excellent starting points. The focus will be on consistency and enjoyment, not intensity – because effective workouts don’t need to be tough to deliver great results. Read the rest
What to expect when we meet

What to expect when we meet

Initially we will organise a complimentary 45 minute meeting to discuss your health, aims and objectives. If you’re unsure of your goals, together we will explore what they could look like. Read the rest
Cross training & those curious about rowing

Cross training & those curious about rowing

Does a sport like rowing appeal to you but being on (or in!) the Thames doesn’t? Or are you a runner, cyclist, swimmer, boxer or tri-athlete / Hyrox athlete wanting to improve your times? Or do you feel your training is too one-dimensional? Read the rest
Novices – Before your Learn to Row course

Novices – Before your Learn to Row course

Are you eager to get the best out of your Learn to Row (LTR) course? My pre LTR coaching is a comprehensive land training programme to equip you with the physical conditioning and expertise needed to master the rowing technique. Read the rest
Strength & Conditioning for rowers: Why it’s essential

Strength & Conditioning for rowers: Why it’s essential

Increased Power: Strength training enhances the power output needed for competitive performance. Injury Prevention: Conditioning helps prevent common rowing injuries by strengthening muscles and improving joint stability. Technique Correction: Proper weight training can correct bad habits and reinforce good technique. Read the rest
Why you should be working out with weights

Why you should be working out with weights

If you participate in sports, strong muscles alone are insufficient for peak performance. Strong tendons and ligaments are essential too. Think how many sessions lost to injury can be avoided by adding just 1 session of S&C a week. Read the rest
Other ways to exercise for fitness & mental health

Other ways to exercise for fitness & mental health

THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! This post is about alternative ways to exercise to improve your fitness and mental health. Alternative – because we often overlook non-gym based options. Read the rest
How to find the right PT

How to find the right PT

If you’re determined to make a change with your health, fitness and/or body shape but don’t know where to start, the most effective solution is - hire a PT.  Subconsciously, this decision alone, is a green light for endorsing your commitment to change and developing expectations of results. Read the rest
How to get better erg | rowing machine technique & workouts

How to get better erg | rowing machine technique & workouts

Topics covered: Different types of erg (rowing machine) | Setting the footplate (it’s nothing to do with the size of your feet!!) | Setting the drag factor | The correct body movements | The monitor - which data to focus on | Standard types of workout and warm-up | Clothing and footwear Read the rest